Dr. Eve Haberfield
Vice President

A drive to make science accessible to the public and a passion to increase science literacy has motivated Eve Haberfield throughout her career.
Dr. Haberfield served as the Director of Humanities, Sciences and Health Sciences at UCLA Extension where she provided academic and administrative leadership for over 800 courses each year.
With a PhD in Biology Eve conducted research in physiology and taught various college courses. The satisfaction of teaching science to both future scientists and the lay public lead to a career away from research and into teaching and academic administration.
Early in her career at UCLA Eve met Observatory Director Dr. Ed Krupp and they worked together for many years planning astronomy lay public programs and traveling together to many parts of the world through archeoastronomy travel study programs designed by Dr. Krupp and offered through UCLA Extension.
“Education is the key to understanding the world around us and Griffith Observatory is a wonderful place to look up, learn, and try to understand our place in the universe.”