March 3, 2019
7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Leonard Nimoy Event Horizon Theater
All Space Considered Remembers Apollo 9
All Space Considered looks back at the Apollo 9 mission, an important mission that enabled NASA to land astronauts on the Moon in July, 1969.

Upcoming All Space Considered at Griffith Observatory
Apollo 9, March 3 – March 13, 1969
Watch Remembering Apollo 9 – March 3, 2019
All Space Considered looks back at the Apollo 9 mission, an important mission that enabled NASA to land astronauts on the Moon in July, 1969. The mission was the first to test the lunar lander, or Lunar Module, in orbit. March 3 is the fiftieth anniversary of the mission’s launch.