Griffith Observer Magazine
Established in 1937, the Griffith Observer is the Observatory’s own monthly magazine. The Griffith Observer contains popular articles on astronomy and information about activities and events at the Observatory.

Annual Subscriptions
You can subscribe to a year of the Griffith Observer by printing the subscription order form and mailing it, along with a check in U.S. dollars made payable to “CITY OF LOS ANGELES,” to:
Griffith Observatory
2800 East Observatory Road
Los Angeles, CA 90027
We apologize, but we cannot accept cash. For gift subscriptions, a gift card will be enclosed with the first issue.
You may contact us with questions, including address changes, at the address above or by emailing the Subscription Coordinator at
Below are the current subscription prices.
One year U.S. Third Class | $25.00 |
One year U.S. First Class | $35.00 |
One year Canada First Class | $40.00 |
One year Overseas Airmail | $50.00 |
Seidel Writing Contest
In the interest of stimulating the flow of information between scientists, science writers, and the public, Griffith Observatory conducts an annual writing contest for creative articles in astronomy, astrophysics, and space science. The top submissions are awarded prizes and published in the Griffith Observer magazine. The contest is usually announced in September, with entries accepted through December 31. Winning articles are selected in March, authors notified in April, and the results are announced in June.
Back Issue Ordering
Back issues of the Griffith Observer are available for prices that range from $3.50 for issues within the current year to $10.00 for photocopies of old issues that are no longer in print, plus shipping. Please refer to the Archives Inventory and use the Back Issue Price List and Order Form to submit your request and payment to the Observatory. For questions, contact the Subscription Coordinator at
Cumulative Index
A cumulative index of major articles that have appeared in the Griffith Observer from the first issue through December 2005 is available for downloading as a 136-page 500K pdf file as the Griffith Observer Cumulative Index. The entry for each article that has appeared since 1937 consists of five lines: author, title, month, year, and keywords. The file is updated quarterly.
Contributor Guidelines
Please read the Guidelines for Contributors if you plan to submit an article for publication.